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Yes! We did it!

At the library’s AGM in February, Richard Caspersen pledged to match $5000 of donations to the library received before December 31, 2020. To our great joy, we have already received more than $5000 in donations since Richard made his commitment. Board Chair Anne Rayner-Gould and Richard celebrated at the Heritage Credit Union by bumping elbows after Richard deposited the final amount of his commitment into the library’s account on June 25th.

These donations (bakeless bake sale, facemask purchases, bottle drive,) and Richard’s matching funds, are hugely helpful in making up for the loss of our normal fundraising opportunities during the pandemic.

As far as we know, nothing like Richard’s pledge OR this level of donations from the community in such a short time have ever been seen before in the history of the library. If you have donated to the library this spring, thank you! And please join us in thanking Richard for his incredible generosity and leadership.

Thank you, Richard!!