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Bibliothèque Numérique: en français

Bibliothèque NumériqueLink to Bibliothèque Numérique, a digital collection of French ebooks, audiobooks and more (published by Cantook Station) is a collection of French language eBooks and audiobooks from Canadian and international publishers. It includes popular genre fiction, bestsellers, non-fiction and more. There are titles for adults, teens and children.

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Note: The Library recognizes the financial support of the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada through the Canada-British Columbia Agreement on French-language Services. La bibliothèque reconnait le soutien financier de la province de la Colombie-Britannique et du gouvernement du Canada par le biais de l’Entente Canada-Colombie-Britannique relative aux services en français. We are grateful to Vancouver Public Library for donating their sizeable French language collection.