Find the search box in the upper right corner!
- Type in a keyword of what you are looking for, and then click on the Search button.
- Tips: Refine your search by adjusting the type and format of item.
- If the item is found in our Library Catalogue, click on the Place Hold button beside the item.
- A new window will open, prompting you to log in to your account. Type in your library card number and PIN (or user name and password). Then click on the Log In button.
- If you do not know your PIN, contact us!
- The Place Hold window will come up. Please make sure your email address and phone number are correct. Click the Submit button. If the item is available, you will get the message “Hold was successfully placed.” If not, you’ll get a message letting you know that.
- Sit back, relax, and have patience while library staff capture your hold and contact you with pick-up options.